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Elmconfig offering a number of helpful, simple and innovative
items of professional auto tools.

OBD II Vehicle ECU Emergency Power Supply Cable Memory Saver
$11.95 USD
New Battery Essentials.Save the memory while replacing a new battery. Connects a spare 12v battery and OBD2 port. It is used when change a car battery without loosing the car’s saved settings .Use this tool,your radio and windows work,keep mileage history and navigation history is intact.


OBD2 Memory Settings Saver Cable ECU Emergency Power Supply

Cost & Time Saver——OBD2 Memory Saver Cable

This tool is necessary during battery replacement.To avoid the loss of memory settings caused by battery is disconnected. If you don't use this tool,things get complicated but you could have done it in half an hour.Once your settings are lost, you may ask the dealer to reprogram and through manual reset process.Waste time and crazy.

When your battery fails, it can also be used as a temporary power supply code.Connect a new battery, and enable you visit a dealership to repair.



BM100 12V Battery Replacement Tool


1.Be sure to connect the red clip to the positive terminal and the black clip to the negative terminal.

2.For European cars with delayed power supply, after connect the new battery,please wait for 20 minutes then replace.

3.Make sure that the positive cable is insulated from touching any metal.

4.While using, has always be attentive not to accidentally touch negative & positive clamps. Otherwise blew the obd fuse.

How to use this tool

STEP 1                                

STEP 1                          

Connect a spare 12 V battery. The red light on.



Plug into the OBD II port. The device will start beeping.



Close the car door, remotely lock the car, turn off all equipment.



Replace battery. Loosen the red clip.It is done if the tool continue beeping.

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